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James Tyler is a sculptor who has long been a favorite with collectors and who has received such accolades as The Massachusetts Governor’s Award For Merit, The Copley Society Award For Sculpture and recognition from the Boston Society of Architects for his public sculptures. Tyler’s work is figurative, executed in fired terra cotta and finished with hand-rubbed metallic patinas. His near-life-sized figures reflect a variety of influences endowing them with tremendous interest and beauty. The voluptuousness of his nubile females and virile males as well as the intricacy and grace of his poses recalls the erotic sculpture of India combined with the exoticism of Africa and the Orient and the stylization of American Art Deco. Tyler states, “I feel I’ve finally been able to tap into that collective psyche…I’m trying to piece together the universal myths that you find in all cultures.” He does so to stunning effect with his latest opus which includes monumental heads, figures and murals built of hand-fired bricks.